Category Archives: Sponsor Spotlight

Sponsor Spotlight: Flywheel

Flywheel LogoFlywheel is a managed WordPress hosting platform built specifically for designers and creative agencies. Flywheel makes it simple to build, launch, and manage client sites with its easy-to-use dashboard built from the ground up for the modern web designer. With nightly backups, blazing-fast load times, WordPress-specific security, and an awesome support team full of WordPress developers, Flywheel helps thousands of designers across the world launch projects every day.”

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Sponsor Spotlight: SIDEKICK

sidekick-logo-webSIDEKICK is a Toronto based company providing guided and interactive Walkthroughs for the WordPress Dashboard through the SIDEKICK for WordPress plugin.

With over 125 Walkthroughs in our library, our mission is to be the fastest and easiest way to learn WordPress while providing our customers with faster on-boarding, lower support costs and happier customers of their own.”

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Sponsor Spotlight: Lingotek

Lingotek Sponsor LogoLingotek | The Translation Network enables the creation and management of multilingual content inside your enterprise applications. The Lingotek solution leverages People, Process and Technology.

“We have unparalleled expertise in web content, documentation, and software localization. We employ a proven translation and localization process. This, combined with our cloud-based translation management system, empowers enterprises to engage customers globally.”

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Sponsor Spotlight: WP Rocket

WP RocketWP Rocket is a new premium caching plugin for WordPress, used by almost 5000 websites. It’s powerful and really easy to configure. You can follow WP Rocket on Twitter and Facebook.

Why WordPress?

“WordPress is so powerful, easy, and the community is absolutely awesome.”

How has WordPress affected you?

“WordPress affects all our business.”

Thank you, WP Rocket, for sponsoring WordCamp Toronto 2014!

Sponsor Spotlight: Carbon60 Networks

Carbon60 NetworksCarbon60 Networks’ enterprise WordPress platform delivers content fast and reliably, making your site highly resilient to both welcome traffic spikes and unwelcome denial-of-service attacks. Carbon60 provides a white glove level of service to support the entire WordPress development and delivery life-cycle, hosted within Canadian data centres.

Their WordPress sandbox allows you to create new WordPress development environments on-demand while an integrated code management service provides a secure place to manage code changes. Sites are then staged for testing using Carbon60’s integrated security and performance testing tools. Once optimized, site code and content are promoted to the production WordPress delivery platform. This platform combines the strengths of an enterprise cloud computing architecture – optimized to host WordPress source code, plug-ins and content – with a vastly scalable and robust global edge content delivery/security system which guarantees your site is secure and delivers high performance to you viewers.

Why WordPress?

1. WordPress democratizes the web, meaning there’s no need for bloated web departments on staff. Personnel have direct access to easily publish their content. Our clients use WP because of the low barrier to entry, and the large community surrounding it.

2. WordPress plugins & themes create a diverse landscape so not all wordpress sites look and act the same, and can allow for rapid development without having to re-invent the wheel.

Do you have an interesting WordPress story?

While WordPress does democratize the web, sometimes you just need to ask for help!

We have a client who has an ecommerce site which sells thousands of different products. Their navigation menu includes every single item they sell. In addition to this, the site is multilingual, so each nav tree needs to be drawn twice.

A single page load called the DB approximately 35000 times, each load. The webserver load however, remained minimal.

We were able to aggressively cache these db calls, and are working with the client to enforce some content rules to bring down the amount of calls to the database in their navigation. Additionally, we are looking to separate and generate the menu system to be used as an include going forward.

At Carbon60 we are not just interested in publishing your content. We want it to be fast, and stable.

How has WordPress affected your business?

Because Carbon60 Networks is focussed on enterprise requirements, our environments are more secure than some other hosting environments. Typically we do not allow clients access to production environments without permission. This means that supporting WordPress falls on our support department. Users enjoy the convenience of the one-click upgrade, and this is the type of service we strive to provide (though stability and security are top of mind – in the event that the one-click upgrade goes badly, we are present to roll back the change and investigate what went wrong.)

From a hosting/support perspective, WordPress allows us to have a familiarity amongst all sites and this allows us to provide reliable, scalable, support procedures, and lets us implement proven best-practises for securing and maintaining our clients’ sites.

What’s your advice to WordCamp attendees?

Adding a CDN to your existing site is a great way to speed it up, and keep it up during brief outages.

Porting your enterprise site to a clustered hosting environment is a fantastic way to maintain uptime, and luckily WordPress helps us with the heavy lifting – Sessions are stored externally in cookies and the database so the webservers don’t need much configuration to scale horizontally.


Thank you, Carbon60, for supporting WordCamp Toronto 2014!

Sponsor Spotlight: easyPress

easyPresseasyPress is a Canadian company specializing in WordPress hosting. A fast, reliable and secure web host is super important when you value your website and its message. Focus your time and energy on your content and let easyPress relieve you of managing the tech that makes WordPress load quickly and consistently. All of our service plans include DNS and email hosting provided by easyDNS. Check out our very affordable offerings at”

Why WordPress?

Our favourite thing about WordPress is that it’s high quality open source software.

What’s your advice for WordCamp attendees?

Take advantage of the happiness bar.

What’s your one question for this year’s WordCampers?

Is it important to work with Canadian (hosting, design, development, etc) organizations and professionals?

A big thanks to easyPress for sponsoring WordCamp Toronto 2014!

Sponsor Spotlight: The Genius Web Media

The Genius Web MediaThe Genius Web Media has been in operation for over 5 years and is located in the heart of Toronto, Canada. Our Genius team is compiled of intelligent, skilled, and ambitious individuals who are all dedicated to delivering powerful and trendy media.”

“We currently specialize in SIMPLE to COMPLEX Web Development for ALL Online Media purposes. We have the capabilities to develop small to large scaled projects, as well as the capacity to supply new and fresh ideas.”

Why WordPress?

“We simply LOVE WordPress. Our favourite thing about WordPress is it’s flexibility. We like the challenge of building a website or web app that would not normally be built in WordPress.”

How has WordPress affected you?

“WordPress has changed the way people develop websites. It has supplied an efficient and effective way to manage content and website assets in one easy-to-use application.”

What’s your advice for WordCamp attendees?

“Getting involved in the WordPress community is a great way to learn new things and network with the right people.”

What’s the one question you would ask this year’s WordCampers?

“How will WordCamp benefit you?”

A big thanks to The Genius Web Media for their continued  support of WordCamp Toronto!

Sponsor Spotlight: helps you learn the skills you need to achieve your full potential. We’re a leading online learning service that helps anyone learn technology, business, software, and creative skills to achieve their personal and professional goals.

Why WordPress?

“We use WordPress extensively inside for internal team sites, and to power our Article Center as it’s a robust, powerful, well-maintained content management system that’s also easy to use for everyone concerned.”

What’s your one question for WordCamp attendees?

“If you could spend the next 6 months dedicated to learning a new aspect of WordPress, what would that be, and why?”

A great big thanks to for sponsoring WordCamp Toronto 2014!

Special note: We have a handful of membership coupon codes to give away. You can opt into the giveaway when you buy your WordCamp ticket.


Sponsor Spotlight: WooThemes

WooThemes“What started in 2008 as 3 WordPress enthusiasts who met online, from 3 different countries, is now an international team of designers, developers and support ninjas catering for a passionate community of hundreds of thousands of users.”

“From our humble beginnings selling a handful of commercial WordPress themes we now offer a huge catalog of feature rich themes, and a suite of plugins that extend your WordPress experience. Proudly bootstrapped and built around our team’s diverse lifestyles we have big ambitions to become the ultimate WordPress platform provider.

Our flagship product, WooCommerce, is now the world’s most popular eCommerce platform. Powered by WordPress and built by WooThemes, the goal of WooCommerce is to allow you to sell anything online – beautifully. You can integrate with payment processors, easily manage shipping methods and inventory, set up flexible tax rules, and view detailed store reports all from your WordPress dashboard.”

Why WordPress?

“The community, the extendability and being able to create products that empower thousands of people to do amazing things.”

Thanks to WooThemes for sponsoring WordCamp Toronto 2014!