Selfish Accessibility

With Adrian Roselli in the Accessibility track

Slide deck

Talk details

We can all pretend that we’re helping others by making web sites accessible, but we are really making the web better for our future selves. Learn some fundamentals of web accessibility and how it can benefit you (whether future you from aging or you after something else limits your abilities). We’ll review simple testing techniques, basic features and enhancements, coming trends, and where to get help. This isn’t intended to be a deep dive into ARIA, but more of an overall primer for those who aren’t sure where to start nor how it helps them.

What will attendees learn from this presentation?

  1. Recognize that they are all going to qualify as disabled users.
  2. Recognize that non-disabled users benefit from accessibility affordances.
  3. Perform simple accessibility testing.
  4. Have reference material and resources to continue self-education.
  5. Write code that uses ARIA properly.
  6. Write basic HTML that isn’t a barrier to accessibility.
  7. Apply these skills to any platform.