Grow Your Audience with Savvy Content Marketing Tactics

With Brian Rotsztein in the User/Admin track

You’ve been blogging, tweeting, and otherwise creating content seemingly forever but no one is paying attention. As a result, you’re not benefiting from social media sharing or getting the website traffic you were hoping for. You’re not alone. Your work may be suffering from a lack of quality, direction, and purpose which means there’s no compelling reason for you to get the attention you were anticipating. It’s time to learn more about what content marketing can do to remedy this situation. Content marketing is one of the hottest buzzwords in the online world and for good reason. Properly implement, content marketing plans can increase search engine visibility, social media networking, brand awareness, personal branding and sales, while decreasing costs. WordPress is a great platform that businesses and bloggers can harness to achieve these objectives. Topics such as social influence, guest posts, and social signals for SEO will be discussed. Key plugins and relevant online tools will also be highlighted.

Learning Outcomes

  • Implement specific tactics to grow an audience.
  • Use the tools and plugins presented to promote your content.
  • Get people who visit your blog or website, to share it for you and help distribute your work.
  • Integrate content marketing tactics with SEO, social media, and email marketing.
  • Understand the importance of content marketing in an online marketing strategy.
  • Differentiate between content strategy and tactics.