Sponsor Spotlight: Muut

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Muut is a modern, beautiful, and responsive commenting and forum system that you can embed on your own site and style to your liking. The Muut guys set out to bring commenting and forums out of the UX stone age and make them cool again. Any site will benefit from an active community, and starting one with Muut takes just seconds.

Why WordPress?

Muut is actually a commenting and forum system that is not limited to WordPress websites, but with our plugin it is definitely perfect for the job.

While WordPress ships with a commenting system and there are many other forum plugins available, Muut unifies the two with one fast, clean, and usable system that can be integrated seamlessly with the website’s user base, and styled directly by the theme. It’s almost as if Muut were designed with WordPress in mind.”

What’s your advice for WordCamp Toronto attendees?

“Give Muut a try; it’s totally free, and totally unlimited.”

What’s your one question for WordCamp Toronto attendees?

“What do you find most bothersome about forum systems available for WordPress?”


A big thanks to the team at Muut for sponsoring WordCamp Toronto 2014!

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